Workshop on Behavioural Design and bro behaviour methods


The Technical and Environmental Administration in the City of Copenhagen wished to work in a more action-oriented manner. Part of the strategy was to implement the behavioural mindset broadly in the organisation.

We developed a three-day workshop focusing on how to work with nudging and behavioural design in practice. During the workshop, the participants worked on cases from their own department and were guided through our methods, eventually ending up with a prototype ready for testing.


But how do you embed something broadly at a workplace with 2000+ employees?


We tailored a three-day workshop for this project, mixing theory and practice, which matched the needs of the client.


The participants were guided through all stages of bro behaviour’s method. Between workshop sessions, they carried out field studies and surveys.

"Det bedste ved kurset var de mange konkrete redskaber, metoder og håndgribelige værktøjer, som jeg kan tage med mig videre."


"Vi har udviklet et godt undervisningsforløb sammen med bro behaviour. Deltagerne har været engagerede, og der er en stemning hos bro, som er helt unik."

Kamilla Damgaard
Projektleder hos TMF