Effective Job Adverts That Attract the Right Candidates


Talent doesn't grow on trees. So if you want to attract skilled employees, you have to make an effort to reach out to them.

The University College Absalon wanted a new approach to recruitment in order to become even better at attracting talented teachers.


The team wanted help creating a concept: How should a modern educational institution work with recruitment – and how could they make the most of their efforts?


We analysed the trends – both in Absalon's job adverts and in the sector in general – and we helped the team launch a new concept and taught them how to write engaging copy.


The concept outlined the strategy for future job adverts. It was immortalised in the form of a guide which is by now well thumbed by the employees.

"I bro fandt vi en samarbejdspartner, der hurtigt afkodede, hvor vi skulle sætte ind for at forbedre vores stillingsopslag og employer branding. De kom med dugfrisk viden og faglig tyngde, og de gav os viden og værktøjer, som vi nu bruger, hver gang vi skal finde en ny medarbejder."

Marianne Tauning Stubtoft
HR Udviklingskonsulent, Absalon